100 Word Challenge for Grown-ups Week 6

The sun shone but Stella felt it like jagged shards of ice penetrating her skin.   Passers-by saw her, a beautiful woman for her age, sitting by the edge of the lake watching it stir in the afternoon breeze.  They didn’t see the turmoil within, the guilty secret grinding her down to dust.  The late summer sun reflected off the sparkling diamond on her finger, reminding her of happier days filled with love and laughter. Suddenly the ring became a symbol of loss. In one swift move she removed it and threw it into the lake, transferring the turmoil on to the rippling water.

9 responses to “100 Word Challenge for Grown-ups Week 6

  1. Why the loss? A jilted lover, an accidental death, an illness… the story leaves the reader wondering what brought her to this point and what guilt she hides. We are left in suspense as 100 words can only go so far. Thanks for a great 100WCGU entry. I enjoyed reading it. 🙂

  2. Think I've worked out how to comment on you blog now – hope this works :-)This was a really emotional piece of writing. I'm really worried about this woman and want to know what this guilty secret is that has her in so much turmoil.

  3. Then my work here is done!

  4. Lovely dramatic bit of writing, very emotional and heartfelt! Love it!

  5. Powerful imagery. I love the description of the sun as "jagged shards of ice." It really sets up the emotion, and the passage tells the whole story (while also leaving me wanting to read more).

  6. Goodness, this is an incredibly moving piece of writing. Wow!

  7. brilliant a real sense of a swan – graceful and elegant but turmoil beneath the surface – loved it

  8. "Sitting by the edge of the lake" Perfect symbol for what is going on inside of her. On the surface beauty, but what lies beneath? Well done.

  9. Oooo! I want to know why the turmoil, who the others are in her life and lots more. Tell, tell, tell! Great take on the prompt that could link to an extended story!

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